2 Haziran 2013 Pazar

Overview of UML

The Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®) is a standard visual modeling language intended to be used for
  • modeling business and similar processes,
  • analysis, design, and implementation of software-based systems
UML is a common language for business analysts, software architects and developers used to describe, specify, design, and document existing or new business processes, structure and behavior of artifacts of software systems.
UML can be applied to diverse application domains (e.g., banking, finance, internet, aerospace, healthcare, etc.) It can be used with all major object and component software development methods and for various implementation platforms.

Benefits of UML

• You know exactly what you are getting
• You will have lower development costs
• Your software will behave as you expect it to. Fewer surprises
• The right decisions are made before you are given poorly written code. Less overall costs
• We can develop more memory and processor efficient systems
• System maintenance costs will be lower. Less relearning takes place
• Working with a new developer will be easier.
• Communication with programmers and outside contractors will be more efficient.

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